Selasa, 09 Februari 2016

easy wood projects - Rambling on…

easy wood projects

easy wood projects

Hey there Everyone , I’ve been busy reading your blogs during the day and in the evenings after work, I am trying to catch up with everyone, and a few of you have been kind enough to send me an email, I actually enjoy that as I get to know you and make a friend on a personal level , but I warn you, I do write long assed emails if questions are asked and once I get to know you a bit , so feel free to drop me a line and tell me abit about yourself and I will respond :)

So today was much the same as any other day, a shit ton of house work , followed by running the pumps to drain my yard (yep been at it for about 2 weeks now) , then off to work at the hotel/bar , I must have done something good tonight, I made almost $50 in tips, not bad for cooking and cleaning.

I am having company tomorrow, the Pastor from our little church is dropping by for coffee and to check up on my son and I to see how we are doing, it will be nice, I enjoy company and this old house needs people to be in it to build new memories, my friends usually don’t come into the house as they are afraid of my dog (he is a huge suck) , he is a Rottweiler-Shepherd cross and weighs in at a smooth 160 pounds , he likes to jump on people , I kennel him when company comes but most of my friends are still nervous.

I also have to work for a couple hours at 4 pm , more cleaning of the kitchen, I got the worst of it done today before the supper rush, I actually don’t mind the job, it’s part time so I do have a great deal of free time to do what I need to do at home or in the city.

I know my wife is the one who prompted me to go back to work, Hammy has been quietly praying for the last month for me to go back to work at the bar (because he gets free food there when I am at work) , I was sitting here at the computer a week ago just reading blogs and not even thinking about going back to work, when out of the blue my friend Udevir (pronounced oo-day) phoned and asked if I would be interested in coming back to work at the bar, I said yes sure without even a moments hesitation, now how I know my wife is behind this is because everyday at work I find dimes on the floors , ( I have collected about $2 in dimes so far) and at the end of the night , I always find a single Dime on the bed , that is how I know it is her, and it was her that got me back to work.

My wife always had a couple bucks in dimes in her change purse, nickles too since Canada doesn’t use the penny anymore, and the little general store out here in the village used to always buy change from her, she would roll up $10-$15 in change and send me down to the store to trade for paper currency .

So I picked up a side job this Sunday after church , I am going to take my chainsaw and cut a neighbour’s poplar tree down, it’s an easy $100 and I get to keep the logs for firewood , Hammy will help carry the logs from their place to ours (literally next door) I’ll cut and he can load them in the wheelbarrow and stack them beside the wood pile , by the time he gets back I’ll have another load for him, I will stack them on a wooden pallet and leave them sit for a year to dry and season , then split them next year and stack them on the wood pile.

This summer my goal is to acquire around 2 full cords of wood , it’s for my backyard bonfires and for camping , I have a secret campground that I go to , it is out by Lumsden , $20 for a weekend , no power there but there is free water, and by camping I do mean in a tent, I sold the tent trailer 3 summers ago as it kept sinking into the ground in my backyard and ruining my lawn. I don’t tell people the exact location of the campground as it is a well hidden gem that I stumbled across by accident (I got lost on a backroad) and those few that know about it don’t say anything either.

So that’s all I have for tonight, so Remember Folks: express your love often , never take tomorrow for granted, and be kind to others.


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