Senin, 08 Februari 2016

easy wood projects - Avast Mateys…Fish Farts and Corn

easy wood projects

easy wood projects

So I was having issues with my anti-virus program, namely the computer kept turning it off and wouldn’t let me turn it back on….that’s a good sign right there that something isn’t right! So I went and downloaded Avast (an anti-virus/anti malware program) and ran a a full system scan, good thing I did!! My laptop had 3 Decompression Bombs on it, and 2 viral threats on a program I never use (Libra office) so I deleted that useless program and Avast got rid of the 3 bombs, and my laptop is once again secure. The viruses in the Libra office program were responsible for turning off my anti-virus program, but as I said all fixed now.

I find Avast to be fairly straight forward, it is a very good anti-virus/ anti-malware program and will root out anything funny on what ever system it is running on, but it’s slow, it takes Avast about 45 minutes to completely scan the entire computer, but it is thorough and highly effective. I think I will keep using it, it’s not as user friendly as AVG and some other programs, but once you play with it and use it a couple times it gets a bit easier.

Avast also puts a little icon in the top right corner of your browser (I use Google Chrome) that lets you know if the site you click on is safe (all your blogs are safe… I checked…you’re welcome) it auto blocks sites that have hidden malware or
viruses on or in them, which is handy as it is really tough to narrow down the site or sites that you may have picked up the virus or malware from.

If you rely on your built in Windows anti virus (Windows Defender) I would strongly and urgently recommend that you get yourself another anti-malware anti-virus program , Avast, AVG, Norton,Maccaffee , anything But windows defender…. defender is ranked as one of the absolute worst programs, just a little FYI there.

So anyway, a couple posts back I had posted a couple things I ponder through out the day and often lay awake at night thinking about, One of the things I often ponder is/was Do fish Fart? ….as of yet I still have no definitive answer either way.

The big question I ponder most lately is : when you chew corn, no matter how well you chew it and grind it up before swallowing…. Why and How does it come out the other end Whole!! it defies logic!!….. and don’t say ewww who looks anyway!!… I double dog dare you to take a shit and not look in the toilet when your done! (you will look… it’s human nature)

So I am going to stop here because I want to watch Mountain Men and Alaska the Last Frontier (because I miss the Mountains sometimes), I’ll write a post about my mountain adventures at some point, but in the mean time Remember folks:express your love often,never take tomorrow for granted,and be kind to others.


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